Bonds and guarantees that help grow your business

Secure your contracts and meet your legal obligations with Coface’s bonds

Tailor-made guarantees

Coface has a wide range of guarantees designed to match your business needs and meet your sector’s legal obligations, including: Bid bond, Performance Bond for suppliers/services, Performance Bond for contractors.

How do Coface bonds work?

We analyse the requirements tailored to your needs and contract specificities before proposing a guarantee.

The agreement stipulates:

  • The guarantee’s overall envelope.
  • The cost each time you use the envelope.

As your requirements change, you send an issue request to Coface. You will then receive a formal document in return with details about your bond, which you give to your beneficiary. As long as the beneficiary has this document in its possession (or provided that its due date is still valid), Coface continues to act as your guarantor.

You will be able to issue your bonds and guarantees independently as part of your contract surety bonds via our online CofaNet Bond tool.

Each type of guarantee comes with its own unique advantages

A high-quality bond is crucial for optimising your cash flow and access to financing. The bond also acts as an extra safety mechanism when your company wants to win new contracts. And, last but not least, bonds are sometimes required to satisfy legal obligations.

  • Meet your legal obligations

    Coface’s bonds ensure you comply with the legal obligations of the authorities so you can carry out your temporary business, operate a classified facility or protect your sub-contractors.

  • Safeguard your financing capacity

    Coface is an independent credit insurer: when you use us, you diversify your sources of guarantees and safeguard your borrowing capacity with the banks.

  • Secure and develop your trade relations

    Coface’s contract surety bonds help you establish trusting relationships with your partners when you respond to a tender. And you also give your sub-contractors peace of mind over the life of your contracts.

  • Improve your cash flow

    Coface’s bonds help you maintain your financing and optimise your cash flow: You obtain full payment of your contracts without a retention bond. You secure the down payment or advance so you can start your project. You defer the payment of customs duties if you work in an import/export industry.

Want more information about Coface’s bonds and guarantees?

Contact us

Choosing Coface means choosing a solid credit insurer that is independent of the banks

It is vital to secure your contracts and maintain access to financing so you can ensure that your company grows and develops.

To help you meet these challenges effectively, you can rely on:

  • Our robust financial health.
  • Our reputation.
  • Solid, real-world experience in the business of guarantees.
  • Coverage in France and internationally: we operate in the domestic French market and the rest of the European Union.

Issue and manage your contract surety bonds effortlessly online

CofaNet Bond

Manage your contract surety bonds online via our CofaNet Bond platform:

• Edit your bonds and on-demand guarantees yourself in real time.

• Benefit from a wide-ranging text library for all contract  types.

• Keep track of your outstanding liabilities.


Your beneficiary receives a verification code to ensure that your bond is valid (certification of the guarantee document).

A quick-and-easy solution for managing your Coface contract surety bonds independently.


If you are already a ViaLink user, Coface can embed its capabilities in the platform.


Philip P, Construction industry

Our Coface bond meant I could reassure my co-contractors and make our partnership stronger.

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200countries covered

685billion exposure

AA-Stable outlook

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Frequently Asked Questions