News, Economy and insights

Risk Dashboard

Explore Coface's comprehensive Risk Dashboard, providing in-depth risk assessments for 162 countries and 13 industry sectors to make strategic decisions

Press & Media

Corporate news

Economic publications

  • #Economic publications

    Insolvencies in Romania increased by 8.32% in S1 2024 compared to S1 2023

    The latest Coface Romania study shows that in H1 2024, 3,684 new insolvency proceedings were opened, an increase of 8.32% compared to the same period of last year. There is also a deterioration in the payment behavior of companies, the number of payment incidents being 29% higher compared to the same period in 2023. The data also indicate a 73% increase in the number of insolvencies among companies with business over EUR 5 million, compared to the same period of 2023.

  • #Economic publications

    Increased payment delays for French businesses, amid growing social and political risks

    Coface survey on payment behavior shows a lengthening of the average payment period, while 85% of companies have also experienced payment delays, with the majority indicating that they are longer and more numerous than in 2023. This deterioration in payment behavior is reflected in a further rise in insolvencies, which have now stabilized at much higher levels than in 2019 and 2023.

  • #Economic publications

    Germany Corporate Payment Survey 2024: Simmering under the lid

    The 8th edition of Coface’s survey on corporate payment experience in Germany shows that the payment behaviour of German companies remains stable. However, this observation shouldn’t reassure considering the growing credit risks out of accumulated overdue payments.

Expert advice

    • #Expert advice
    • #Our solutions

    Data & technology: from smart data to predictive risk management solutions

    Because companies now need to go beyond simple access to qualified and added value information, Coface combines the wealth of its data, its unique insights and input from its experts with Data Science and Artificial Intelligence technologies to provide its clients with predictive risk management solutions. Or how to turn commercial risk into growth opportunity!

  • #Expert advice

    What is political risk and how is it impacting commercial credit?

    With the reshaping of the world order, the rise of (geo)political risk and the climate emergency, political risk is back in the spotlight, with its inevitable economic impact on world trade and businesses. How can we protect ourselves effectively? We take a closer look at this ever-more closely monitored risk.

  • Group working on same computer

    #Expert advice

    5 false facts about Trade Credit Insurance

    "Trade credit insurance is too expensive and doesn't cover my needs" ; "Managing credit risk is an obstacle to my business development", or "I have financial resources to cover any unpaid invoices!" Have you ever had one of these thoughts? Re-examining stereotypes about TCI might be useful, particularly in an environment where claims experience is accelerating and the risk of bad debts is growing.

Our solutions

    • #Expert advice
    • #Our solutions

    Data & technology: from smart data to predictive risk management solutions

    Because companies now need to go beyond simple access to qualified and added value information, Coface combines the wealth of its data, its unique insights and input from its experts with Data Science and Artificial Intelligence technologies to provide its clients with predictive risk management solutions. Or how to turn commercial risk into growth opportunity!

  • #Our solutions

    Data & Technology: from Big Data to Smart Data and unique credit insights

    Because nowadays companies' needs go beyond simply accessing large sources of data in real time, Coface collects, cross-checks and analyses massive volumes of data (Big Data). Enhanced each day by the analyses of 700 risk management experts, this exclusive data generates unique insights for Coface's clients and partners. Or how to turn commercial risk into an opportunity for growth!

  • Risk Dashboard

    Navigate uncertainty with Coface's global risk assessments for +160 countries and 13 sectors. 

  • Coface Podcast

    Dive into the world of global trade with Coface's Trade Talk podcast. Explore captivating discussions with trade experts, explore market dynamics, and uncover strategies for growth. 

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